Thursday, May 30, 2024

Next Steps

Strep test was negative and Eric is recovering well from his cold. He had a biopsy yesterday, and luckily there were only 2 kiddos on the procedure list since he had to go last because of his cold. He was into the procedure room at 10:10 which was great because he was just starting to complain of being hungry. Unusually, he slept for about an hour after. He never does that; always wakes up immediately! Everything went smoothly and now we just wait for results. Eric picked a Lego Dreamzzz set out of the toy chest at the hospital after his biopsy yesterday. 

On Monday, Eric will start his next cycle of chemo. This time, in addition to the 28 day oral chemo, he will also do the 7 day IV. The dr is recommending sprinkling in a couple rounds of the IV chemo the remainder of the year for best results. So he will do it this month and then not have to do it over the summer, assuming everything continues to go as expected. This means Eric won't be at school next week since we will have to drive into the hospital everyday for 7 days. On the plus side, we don't have to stay overnight! 

Luckily it is an exciting week at school this week while Eric is there and next week is just average. Today the class is having a pajama pizza party and Eric is very excited about it! Pic of Eric in his Pikachu pjs below. Tomorrow the class has a field trip for a Drawing Landscapes program. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Rollercoaster Strikes Again

This is a long one, buckle up!

I've been reflecting this week about how this journey truly is a rollercoaster; there are no gentle slopes, just very sudden peaks and drops. Well, maybe the peaks are more gradual, but the drops are definitely not. 

We've had a very busy week! For May long weekend, the kids and I went to Penticton to celebrate my Great Aunt Joyce's 100th birthday! I hope to be in her condition at 3/4 her age; she is amazing! It was also great to catch up with relatives that we haven't seen in awhile. Eric really connected with his 3 year old cousin (4th cousin???) Emma.

Despite the kids faces, they really did have a good time. Of course, the highlight of the trip was the hotel swimming pool. The kids were in there 3x a day, for hours at a time. Emma loved the pool too, so we called it ool-pay when she was around and Eric is still saying ool-pay because he thinks it is so funny! 

On our trip, we made it to a playground and for ice cream, of course. It was such a great weekend. The boys had so much fun and were so full of energy! 

On Tuesday, Eric finished his 3rd round of treatment and he is tolerating it very well. On Friday, I spoke with his doctor to discuss a plan going forward. First, his doctor recommends that Eric do this treatment for a year; he started in January. Even though all the tests are showing no evidence of disease, the Doctor says that is really about the sensitivity of the tests. So the tests are showing 0 mutations in 10,000 cells for example, but they don't have the ability to look at 100,000 cells and maybe there would be a mutation there. The continued treatment gives the best potential to put this all behind us in the future. Hopefully. But there are no guarantees, and no predicting what might happen when the treatment stops. The doctor is suggesting this is the best possible course of action, but with the caveat that there is very little evidence in Eric's particular unique circumstances and he is extrapolating from the information they do have. Additionally, we need to keep a close eye on what is happening in his system so we can re-evaluate if necessary. Traditionally we have done that via bone marrow biopsies, but his doctor says it is not reasonable to biopsy him every month for a year. He has spoken with the lab and they believe that they can gather the same info from his peripheral blood. They are able to look for Eric's specific mutation in the blood and also analyze the chimerism (donor DNA versus Eric's DNA) in the peripheral blood. On Wednesday, May 29, Eric will have a bone marrow biopsy and they will also conduct the new peripheral blood tests to ensure they are giving the same results. This was a very positive conversation with Eric's doctor that left me feeling very optimistic. There are definitely a lot of unknowns, but Eric is doing so incredibly well, and so much better than we ever could have imagined when he relapsed, and we have a plan to try and keep him that way. 

Picked Eric up from school on Friday; he has his Freezie Friday freezie in the pouring rain; I explain the plan from his doctor (overview) and he's all good. Home and hanging out until 6ish when dinner is ready and Eric says "my throat hurts." And with that simple statement, I know we're going to be headed to the hospital. Eric ate a little pizza but not much of an appetite. Then he says he's really cold, really really cold, why is it so cold in the house - it isn't. So I check his temp and its 38.2 oral. At 38.5 orally, oncology considers it a true fever and we have to call the oncologist on call. At 7:30 I check his temp again and its 39.2 orally. I called the oncologist on call and she said to head into the ER at Children's. We were out the door before 8 and at the ER by 8:30. The one nice thing about being an oncology patient is they call ahead to the ER so they are expecting us and we don't have to wait in the gross waiting room. It was so busy Friday night. And now, things get even worse. They have to access Eric's port so they can do bloodwork, and start IV antibiotics. The ER is NOT GOOD at this. They wait so long that his Emla (numbing) cream has worn off, so it hurts to have the needle poked in, and they miss! Luckily, they stopped there and called someone down from T8 (the oncology floor) to do it since they have so much more experience with ports. Two nurses showed up, both of whom we know and I was so happy to see them. They get his port on the first try and start drawing blood, but they only get one vial and it stops, they can't get any more. They want to try a few "tricks" to see if they can get it flowing, but mostly it involves adjusting the needle within the port, which isn't so much taking it out, but sort of massaging and poking and prodding, which Eric finds way worse than the actual needle. So he's screaming in pain, and don't forget, he's got a fever and is feeling miserable. They still can't get any more blood, so they take out the needle and try again to access. More screaming and also crying and saying "mama." My poor baby; he usually sails through these port accesses, but this was awful. Anyhow, they still can't get any blood out, so they put heparin in to sit there and unclog the port, but after about 5 min they still can't get any blood out. So the doctor decided we should try another way because we need to get the bloodwork to find out if he is neutropenic and get treatment started; time is important here. She wants to do an IV so they can also deliver antibiotics that way, but Eric hates IVs because they pinch his hand, so I said no, they could get the lab to draw blood from his inner elbow and we'd worry about the antibiotics later. Meanwhile they also wanted a throat swab and nasal swab - more screaming. And the lab came to do the blood draw - no screaming. Finally, Eric could settle down to sleep for a bit; I think it was around midnight. 

His bloodwork came back and he is not neutropenic; in fact, his ANC (germ fighting white blood cells) are the highest I've seen them since all this started. Around 2am his nurse tried to get blood out of the port again, which is still accessed, and hooray! it is unclogged and she gets blood back. We don't need blood now, but she knows it is in the right place, so can start the IV antibiotics. I went out to the car to get Eric's stuffy and see the ER is still packed. Around 3:30 am, I find out they have recliners in the ER and you just have to ask for them. WHAT?!?! After all the night time hours I have spent in those uncomfortable chairs, now you tell me??? So I asked for a recliner. It arrived and was followed by the doctor who said that she'd talked to the oncologist on call and since he wasn't neutropenic, and we were able to get a dose of IV antibiotics in, she could send us home with a prescription for amoxicillin to start the following morning. (I didn't even get to use the recliner!) We left the hospital just before 4am and arrived home at 4:30. I think we were both sound asleep by 4:35. Eric woke up Saturday morning after a good sleep in with just a sore throat, no fever and no other complaints. By Saturday night, his throat doesn't even hurt anymore. Right now, Sunday mid-day, he is building a fort in the living room, as if nothing ever happened. 

His nose is a bit congested. The oncologist on call called this morning, she still doesn't have results of the strep test (throat swab) and isn't sure she will get them today. His nasal swab did show rhino/enterovirus - the common cold. She said as long as he's feeling well, he can go to school tomorrow. The rollercoaster dropped fast and furious Friday night, but seems to have levelled out for now, until next time. 

I also donated blood this weekend, so here's your reminder to book an appointment if you haven't done it in awhile. There are people in need of your donation.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Clinic Today

Eric had an appointment at clinic today, but not much to report, which is a good thing! Eric does have a cold with nasal congestion and a bit of a cough. The doctor said it's a virus, but he wasn't going to go looking for which one (that would involve a nasal swab, eek!) Eric was also complaining a bit about a sore ear yesterday, but not today, and the doctor said he couldn't see anything in either ear. He figures it's all related to the virus. Eric's blood counts are good, so he should be able to fight it off relatively easily. We do have plans to go away for the long weekend. I was going to say it is our first excursion since Disney World in December, but actually we did go to Prince George for a few days at Spring Break. Regardless, it feels like an exciting adventure anytime we are allowed to go anywhere out of the Lower Mainland! We do have to call the doctor Friday morning to check in and just confirm that Eric isn't any worse, before we go. 

The doctor talked a bit today about next steps, and basically doesn't have any! He and the team are going to pull together some info and review a plan with our family in the next couple of weeks. Eric only has 6 more days left in this treatment cycle - yay! - but what to do next remains a bit of a mystery. This treatment hasn't really been used in children with his condition; it has generally been used for adults who are unable to have a bone marrow transplant. Since Eric has already had a bone marrow transplant, and his new marrow is now happy, happy, it is quite a different situation. 

Pic of Eric hanging out on the couch this morning with his Millie pillow. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Update May 2-12

We have had a BUSY couple of weeks! 

Last weekend, Joel had a track meet in Abbotsford. Since Chuck is out of town, Eric had to come along, but he ended up running in a fun run and getting a medal and bag of candy so he was pretty happy! Joel did very well at the meet, coming 10th in the 100m and 4th in long jump. Meanwhile Eric has also been doing Track Attack at school and enjoying that; though I think he is liking the field events better given his endurance has taken a bit of a hit. 

On Wednesday the 8th, Eric and I went to LifeLabs for bloodwork. It was the first time since his diagnosis that we did bloodwork in the community instead of having to go into the hospital, and it was easy peasy! The technician was wondering how he would be and if we needed to hold his arm. The poor kid has been poked so many times that he doesn't even blink! His bloodwork came back normal, thank heaven! On Tuesday and Wednesday Eric came home early from school with a headache, so it had me a bit worried, but he did seem to be fine once he got home. He also seemed to be a bit congested with a runny nose off and on this past week, but he got through it and we didn't end up in hospital! 

On Friday, a counsellor from the District, along with the school counsellor came to Eric's class (and the other 2/3 class) to talk to the kids about cancer. Eric had been on the receiving end of a couple of unkind comments from his classmates a couple of weeks ago. I discussed with the school and they suggested educating the kids would help them better understand what Eric has been through and also promote empathy. What I didn't realize was that it would make Eric feel so seen. I was very nervous about it, but in the end, really glad that they did it. We are so lucky to be part of such a caring and supportive school. 

Yesterday, was the big day with Balding for Dollars, and what a beautiful day it was! The boys ate their weight in snow cones, they played large versions of Yahtzee, Connect 4 and bean bag Tic Tac Toe. Eric got his face painted like Spike the Whitecaps Mascot who he met today, along with Anna, Elsa, Mirabelle, Spider-Man, Batman and a bunch of Star Wars characters. He also got to participate in a magic act with a real magician and hold a snake. Oh yeah, and I got a big haircut! I love that I was not only able to fundraise for Balding for Dollars who have supported us so much over the last 1.5 years - huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated! - but also to donate my hair to Wigs for Kids. You really don't realize how much hair you have until you are holding it in front of you! I am still getting used to the short hair, but it definitely feels nice and light on these hot days, and my neck is enjoying the breeze.

Today is not only Mother's Day, but also my birthday. Eric made me breakfast in bed and gave me a gift he made at school that is a jar filled with pieces of paper on which he wrote things he loves about me. It is the sweetest and I teared up. Joel made me a classic Joel card; it was actually glued together - brat! - and very witty. I can smell cake baking (Joel helped Grandma make it) and I'm looking forward to enjoying the sunshine, puttering and relaxing the rest of the day.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Check in at Clinic May 1

Wow it was amazing to have 2 weeks away from the hospital! We were back yesterday, May 1 for a visit at the Respiratory Clinic as well as our regular visit to the Oncology Clinic. Eric does 2 tests at Resp, and we only have the results from 1 of them so far, but it is showing his lung function is up to 91% from 75% in March - yay!!!! He seems to be coughing less as well, from his chronic cough. He is currently not taking any meds or other therapy beyond a daily inhaler for his lungs so it is great news that he's not only not getting worse, but actually improving! 

We went from the Respiratory Clinic to the Blood Lab where there was no one waiting - yay! Maybe we should always have afternoon appointments?!?! Next we headed to the Oncology Clinic where we ran into Dr. Kini, Eric's regular inpatient doctor, in the hallway who was excited to see him doing well and full of beans. We got into our room where our nurse tells Eric that it is Doctor Day so he should do something crazy for Dr Jacob when he arrives. Dr Jacob, Eric's primary oncologist, showed up at the door and Eric said, all in one breath without pause: Happy Doctor Day! Can I draw on your face? (Eric was colouring with markers on the paper that covers the exam table.) Jacob's reaction from pleased to puzzled was very entertaining! Jacob did say normally he would say yes (!!!) but he had a big presentation the following day so he better say no. So Eric drew a picture of Jacob with a speech bubble saying no! Eric told Dr Jacob that his nurse Molly had told him to be crazy and Jacob asked him how he could be any crazier than he normally is 🤣 

Eric is obviously feeling fine, his exam was good and his bloodwork was pretty good. His platelets have dropped a bit, which is a known side effect of the oral chemo he is currently taking, or it could be from fighting off a bug, or, or, or... The Dr says with Eric feeling well he wants to continue to give us a bit of a break from the hospital, but also wants to keep an eye on his bloodwork. So Eric will do a blood test at LifeLabs next Wednesday and not have to go back to the hospital until the following Wednesday - yay! 

Pic is of Eric snoozing in the car on the ride home from the hospital yesterday. The traffic on the way home was a reminder of why we don't do afternoon appointments! 

Weekly Check Up - Friday, March 7 (sort of)

"Sort of" because Eric's follow up appointment was scheduled for Friday, but we ended up going in unplanned on Thursday instea...