Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Clinic Today

Eric had an appointment at clinic today, but not much to report, which is a good thing! Eric does have a cold with nasal congestion and a bit of a cough. The doctor said it's a virus, but he wasn't going to go looking for which one (that would involve a nasal swab, eek!) Eric was also complaining a bit about a sore ear yesterday, but not today, and the doctor said he couldn't see anything in either ear. He figures it's all related to the virus. Eric's blood counts are good, so he should be able to fight it off relatively easily. We do have plans to go away for the long weekend. I was going to say it is our first excursion since Disney World in December, but actually we did go to Prince George for a few days at Spring Break. Regardless, it feels like an exciting adventure anytime we are allowed to go anywhere out of the Lower Mainland! We do have to call the doctor Friday morning to check in and just confirm that Eric isn't any worse, before we go. 

The doctor talked a bit today about next steps, and basically doesn't have any! He and the team are going to pull together some info and review a plan with our family in the next couple of weeks. Eric only has 6 more days left in this treatment cycle - yay! - but what to do next remains a bit of a mystery. This treatment hasn't really been used in children with his condition; it has generally been used for adults who are unable to have a bone marrow transplant. Since Eric has already had a bone marrow transplant, and his new marrow is now happy, happy, it is quite a different situation. 

Pic of Eric hanging out on the couch this morning with his Millie pillow. 

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Weekly Check Up - Friday, March 7 (sort of)

"Sort of" because Eric's follow up appointment was scheduled for Friday, but we ended up going in unplanned on Thursday instea...