Thursday, May 2, 2024

Check in at Clinic May 1

Wow it was amazing to have 2 weeks away from the hospital! We were back yesterday, May 1 for a visit at the Respiratory Clinic as well as our regular visit to the Oncology Clinic. Eric does 2 tests at Resp, and we only have the results from 1 of them so far, but it is showing his lung function is up to 91% from 75% in March - yay!!!! He seems to be coughing less as well, from his chronic cough. He is currently not taking any meds or other therapy beyond a daily inhaler for his lungs so it is great news that he's not only not getting worse, but actually improving! 

We went from the Respiratory Clinic to the Blood Lab where there was no one waiting - yay! Maybe we should always have afternoon appointments?!?! Next we headed to the Oncology Clinic where we ran into Dr. Kini, Eric's regular inpatient doctor, in the hallway who was excited to see him doing well and full of beans. We got into our room where our nurse tells Eric that it is Doctor Day so he should do something crazy for Dr Jacob when he arrives. Dr Jacob, Eric's primary oncologist, showed up at the door and Eric said, all in one breath without pause: Happy Doctor Day! Can I draw on your face? (Eric was colouring with markers on the paper that covers the exam table.) Jacob's reaction from pleased to puzzled was very entertaining! Jacob did say normally he would say yes (!!!) but he had a big presentation the following day so he better say no. So Eric drew a picture of Jacob with a speech bubble saying no! Eric told Dr Jacob that his nurse Molly had told him to be crazy and Jacob asked him how he could be any crazier than he normally is 🤣 

Eric is obviously feeling fine, his exam was good and his bloodwork was pretty good. His platelets have dropped a bit, which is a known side effect of the oral chemo he is currently taking, or it could be from fighting off a bug, or, or, or... The Dr says with Eric feeling well he wants to continue to give us a bit of a break from the hospital, but also wants to keep an eye on his bloodwork. So Eric will do a blood test at LifeLabs next Wednesday and not have to go back to the hospital until the following Wednesday - yay! 

Pic is of Eric snoozing in the car on the ride home from the hospital yesterday. The traffic on the way home was a reminder of why we don't do afternoon appointments! 

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Two Year Anniversary

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