Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Day 6/7

6th day of treatment today and they got it done quick so we could get out on our day pass today. We were the talk of the ward and most of the staff said they wanted to come with us! We met Eric's friends Annabelle and Kianna (and their lovely mothers) for waffles at Nero and then hit the Vancouver Aquarium. We saw absolutely everything at the aquarium, including watching both the seal and the seal lion feeding, and the 4D show - which required one of us to put the hood up on their jacket, made one of us motion sick and just surprised the rest of us at regular intervals. One of the kids, who shall remain nameless, may have exclaimed "this is way better than school!" (If the teachers are reading, the kids learned a lot at the aquarium!) 

Eric and I just chilled out for a bit upon our return to the hospital, before having a visit from Ian and his lovely Mom, who brought us mac and cheese! 

Clearly, Eric is doing well and we're looking forward to last day of treatment tomorrow and getting back home! 

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