Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Day 7/7

Eric had his last treatment today and we made it out of the hospital by noon. We're both exhausted, but so happy to be home. 

Next steps: If Eric continues to feel well, he can go back to school on Tuesday. He has an appointment at the Oncology outpatient clinic on Wednesday for a check in. His blood counts are starting to drop a bit so by next week he may need a blood and/or platelet transfusion. This occurs because of the bad cells as well as from the treatment this past week. (Again, please consider donating blood if you are able!) Other than the ongoing follow ups at clinic, we wait. In 3 or 4 weeks, Eric will have another bone marrow biopsy which will tell us if the treatment worked. 

In the meantime, everything is as it should be with the family home together; see pic of the boys with their iPads and ice cream and pic of Millie stealing my spot on the couch! 

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