Monday, November 6, 2023

Day 5/7

Today Eric received his 5th of 7 treatments. He continues do very well, so well in fact that we got ourselves a day pass today! We didn't venture out very far or for very long due to Vancouver's cold November rain, brrr! We went to see the new Paw Patrol Mighty Pups movie. Eric has been out of the Paw Patrol stage for years, but I guess it felt nostalgic, plus there are no good kid movies playing right now. It was definitely nice to have a break from the hospital, if even for a couple of hours. We're planning another day pass tomorrow and have much more exciting plans - stay tuned! 

Back at the hospital, Eric is hamming it up with some (more) LEGO and strawberries! 

PS. more good news: we get out of here on Wednesday, not Thursday as I had originally thought because apparently I can't count to 7! Only 2 more sleeps! 

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