Eric and I are driving into the clinic every day this week for outpatient IV chemo. Fingers crossed for light traffic and quick clinic visits!
Day 1/5: Traffic is so much better at 9:30am and everything went smoothly at clinic, including the port access. Eric will remain accessed for the week, so no more pokes the rest of the week, but getting used to a "tail" hanging off your chest takes some doing and he had a bit of trouble getting a comfortable position for sleeping Monday night. At clinic he had the port access, blood work, an IV anti-nauseant and then his IV chemo and we were all done in less than 2 hours, round trip 4 hours. His platelets were low at 14, but since we were back all week, no need to do a transfusion today. Eric is already finished the very, very tall Ninjago Lego set from Uncle Jon (thank you!) that was part of a bribe designed to encourage Eric to choose to have this treatment as an outpatient and not an inpatient.
Day 2/5: Traffic was pretty good today, but not quite as good as Monday; perhaps less people go to work/school on Mondays? No access required, so should be super fast - bloodwork, IV anti-nauseant, IV chemo and go! But nope. Eric's platelets were down to 10. Since he's back tomorrow, we could wait until then, but for a variety of reasons (for Eric, LEGO) we both wanted to get it done today. Unfortunately, the platelets took forever to arrive, even though they were on site. I'm not sure what happened, but we didn't make it out until 3:30 which meant traffic! Once Eric knew he was getting platelets, he hit up Kristina for a Lego set and managed to build the whole thing before his platelets even started! Today is giving Tuesday and there's some sort of event in the lobby. I took Eric's picture in front of the Mighty sign, but his eyes are closed!

Day 3/5: Nice and quick at the clinic today! Got home in plenty of time for Eric to finish the huge Lego set that Auntie Koo Koo and Tad gave him to keep him occupied this week (second part of the bribe.) Thank you! Still feeling pretty good, but increasing oral chemo dose today, so we'll see what tomorrow brings. 
Day 4/5: A little nauseous this morning :( On the plus side, I gave Eric anti-nausea meds this morning, which means he didn't have them IV at the hospital. He only had his IV chemo and we were in and out so fast, only an hour! The Mad Hatter photographer, Jane Thomson, had a blow up of Eric's photo for an event and asked me if I wanted it so we stopped by her house to pick it up and it is HUGE! I told Eric I was going to frame it and put it over his bed, but he thinks it might give him nightmares! ;) We left Vancouver early enough to hit Costco on the way home for a little Christmas shopping and a lot of grocery shopping. Eric's tummy hurt on and off through the day, but not too nauseous.
We are planning for a long day tomorrow. We knew from Eric's bloodwork earlier in the week that he would need blood and platelets if we don't want to go back again early next week. We had the option to do blood Thursday and platelets Friday for 2 medium length days, but we opted for nothing today and everything tomorrow for a short day and a long day. Eric coordinated with Kristina today to pick out his Lego for tomorrow, so he's ready to roll. Thank heaven for Child Life and all the donations they receive.
Day 5/5: Ugh! That was so much longer than we were prepared for :'( The chemo only has a one hour shelf life so the nurse has to call the pharmacy for it when we're ready to go. Only they didn't answer their phone for over an hour! We ended up about 1.5 hours behind right from the beginning because the chemo was first, then platelets, then blood. Eric was feeling off, not nauseous, just tired and generally blah for most of the day so he didn't even do much of the Lego set that he had picked out yesterday. He perked up a bit later in the afternoon, but by the time we left - at SIX!!! - we were both exhausted. Stopped at McD's on the way home for some dinner and made it home about 7pm. I unpacked our bag, put on my pjs and climbed right into bed!
(He's not asleep with a popsicle; he's looking at his iPad)
Next up... Eric's done the 5 days of IV chemo and is now day 5/28 in the oral chemo cycle. His appointment next week is TBD. We don't want to go back until Friday, but his platelets have not been holding out that long. So Eric will go for a blood test on Tuesday at LifeLabs which will determine if he needs to go in Wednesday.