Monday, March 11, 2024

Day 3 of 7

I was watching an episode of Friends the other night and Phoebe's Grandma was "updating" the phonebook with the newspaper obituaries. Eric says "What's a phone book?" 

We were able to start the next round of treatment this past Saturday. The outpatient clinic is closed on the weekends, but we get to pop into the inpatient ward for an outpatient visit. The first day they had to access his port and we were exactly 1.5 hours. Yesterday only about an hour and only 2 hours and 40 min door to door. A lot better than 24 hours in the hospital! Though between the driving and daylight savings, I'm pretty tired. Eric is doing very well. Saturday after his first day of treatment he had a playdate and then spent the evening bouncing a moon ball around MY LIVING ROOM! Sunday morning before his treatment, the moon ball was back out and Eric was seeing how many times in a row he could bounce it into the empty laundry basket. This morning he's wide awake at 7am like daylight savings doesn't even exist! I expect he will become more tired from the treatment as the week goes on, but so far so good. 

We have to leave for the hospital about 10:30 so he could go to school until recess but he has opted not to. Instead he will be joining Millie and I for our morning walk in Mundy Park.

I did speak with his doctor Friday afternoon about the results from the tests at the respiratory clinic. Eric was previously taking immune suppressants to control the chronic cough caused by Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) but since his relapse all of those meds have been discontinued and his cough is definitely present. As a result, it's no surprise that his lung function has decreased, though only slightly. He'll repeat the tests again in 2 weeks and we're going to keep a close eye on it, but no treatment for now. As I told the doctor, he's going to have a heck of a time convincing me to put Eric back on immune suppressants after what we've been through the last 6 months. Not that they are necessarily the cause of the relapse, but we don't know what caused it exactly and I am suspicious.  

Here is Eric window shopping the LEGO catalogue. Actually he came up to me holding it and said "we need to talk." Funny kiddo! 

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Two Year Anniversary

Two years ago today, Eric was admitted to hospital for the first time. We had an indication from his GP based on his blood work that he had ...