Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Clinic Today

Busy day for Eric and I today! First, we popped into the school so he could join his class photo. Then blood lab, respiratory clinic, oncology clinic and back to respiratory clinic. We don't have the results from the respiratory clinic yet, but the Oncology Clinic was good. Eric's blood counts were great! Not quite normal, but better than we've seen in months. And they did that all on their own, without aid of transfusion! It's a sign that his marrow is filling up with the healthy donor cells, and not the abnormal cells. 

With this incredible news, the question is: what next? We've decided to do another round of treatment; this is the safest option to hopefully ensure that he doesn't lose any ground in his recovery. It will be the same as last time with 7 days of an IV chemo as well as 28 days of the oral chemo, but at half the dose. The dose of the oral chemo last time started to make Eric nauseous and it zeroed out his white blood cell counts putting him at risk of infection. With a half dose, hopefully he gets all the benefit with less side effects. We don't have a date yet to start the next round, but we'd like to start sooner than later. We are going to try to do the 7 days of IV treatment as outpatient. Eric prefers inpatient because of the drive, but it's only about a 10 min treatment and I really don't want to stay in the hospital just for that. 

Eric enjoyed high fiving the bear at the hospital today. 

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Two Year Anniversary

Two years ago today, Eric was admitted to hospital for the first time. We had an indication from his GP based on his blood work that he had ...