Monday, December 4, 2023

3 more days!

3 Days to Disney World!!! 

We've been keeping busy the last few days. Eric had a clinic appointment on Thursday and his hemoglobin had dropped to 76 and he was getting headaches, so he had a blood transfusion. He felt better immediately and was bouncing off the walls with his newfound energy! It was actually really lucky that he asked to come home from school early on Wednesday, because it turns out a nasty stomach bug was racing through the school, and Eric's class in particular, and he managed to avoid it. Since we stayed home from school on Friday to avoid the bug, we decided to visit our new cousin Connor. Eric was smitten! 

Unfortunately, Friday evening Joel had a brush with that dreaded stomach bug. With our trip only 5 days away, and not wanting Eric to get sick, Joel's been quarantined in his room all weekend. On any given day, the kid would be thrilled to spend the day in his room with all the electronics, but I guess when you are banished, it isn't as desirable. Luckily, Joel didn't get sick, so his exile and my obsessive lysol'ing wasn't necessary after all. After that scare, neither kid is going to school this week! 

Eric was back to clinic again today. The team wants to keep a close eye on him with our big trip on the horizon so he's got clinic Monday and Wednesday this week. Luckily today was quick and easy! His bloodwork was good today after the transfusion Thursday, which bodes well for being away for a week. 

Now if only we were packed... 

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Two Year Anniversary

Two years ago today, Eric was admitted to hospital for the first time. We had an indication from his GP based on his blood work that he had ...