Monday, March 3, 2025

Day 5/5 + Discharge

A quick update to say we made it home mid-afternoon on Sunday. 

Things did go downhill a bit right after I published my last post. Eric was quite nauseous Saturday mid-morning so had some Gravol in addition to his regular anti-nauseant and then ended up lethargic most of the day. Just before bed he got a nose bleed. This does happen often but usually it wraps up pretty quickly. This time it did not. It kept bleeding on and off so Eric was up late. He was fine through the night, but his nose started bleeding again in the morning. He was supposed to get platelets before we left, but they didn't come until around 10am and his nose bled on and off until then. Luckily the nose bleed stopped after the platelets and then he got his last dose of the IV chemo and we headed out. 

At home the hospital hangover is very real with Eric and I as lumps for the rest of the day. Eric will be home for a couple days to rest and then if he is feeling up to it he will go back to school. Eric does continue the oral "therapy" for another 23 days. We're back at clinic on Friday for a check up. 

Eric enjoying some watermelon at the hospital:

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