Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Bone Marrow Biopsy Monday, January 6

As discussed in detail last week, we chose Monday for Eric's biopsy because there were less people on the procedure list than on Tuesday. Unfortunately, it did increase to 5 people on the list and Eric did have to go last because of the viruses. However, he was in at 11:30, asleep by 11:35 and he did a great job waiting. He was busy and distracted with a Pokémon game on his switch and didn't complain at all about being hungry. The procedure was quick and he woke up really well to chocolate milk, strawberries and a pb&j sandwich. Eric's platelets were also low yesterday, though not as low as they have been lately. His nurse was amazing, getting the platelet transfusion finished before his biopsy so we were free to go once he was ready. He likes to chill at the hospital for awhile until he feels the sedation effects lessen. Of course, he still slept the whole car ride home. Now we wait for the results; next check up is Friday and we should have the early results then. 

Enjoying at Starbucks cake pop treat after biopsy

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