Saturday, November 23, 2024

Weekly Check Up Friday, Nov 22

Eric had his biopsy Monday, but since his counts were low, his NP didn't want to go a week and a half without another check, so we were back at clinic for a check up yesterday. 

The appointment was 9:30am, but we have to do bloodwork in the lab an hour before so that means leaving the house at 7:30am. There was an accident on the bridge and we enter the highway right after the bridge so traffic was amazing because it was all backed up behind the accident! I may have suggested that there should be an accident on the bridge every time we have to go to the hospital, but Eric advised me that was not very kind. 

We got to the lab early (before 8:30) but it was packed. Eric didn't want to wait in line and he was super grossed out by the busy room with almost no one in masks. I learned later it was a Pro-D for the Vancouver school district, which seems to make the lab a lot busier. Eric said he'd rather have his port accessed than wait in that room, so we headed off to clinic. When we arrived there, they said that they could actually just ask the blood lab to come to us, if we thought he wouldn't need his port accessed for transfusions that day. I figured it was 50-50 so we opted to have the lab come to us. Unfortunately, they took forever to get to us and our nurse actually found the tech wandering around in some random hallway :( 

Eventually, we got his bloodwork back and both his hemoglobin and platelets were borderline. In conjunction with Eric's team, we decided to go ahead with both blood and platelets knowing it would mean he would have a good weekend and hopefully we wouldn't have to come in again before next Friday. Of course this meant accessing Eric's port and then 4+ hours for both transfusions, including pre-meds, once they were available from the blood bank, which was after 12noon. It was a super long day and we didn't leave the hospital until 5pm, arriving home at 6:10pm. Luckily, Granny had come for a visit in the morning, and Eric's nurse should win an award for how quickly and smoothly she accessed the port. As soon as Eric heard he was having both blood and platelets, he headed straight for the Family Life Specialist to ask for LEGO and wow did she deliver:

This day was quite a bit longer than the one that stressed me out so badly last week, but without having to worry about what was happening at home this time, I was much less stressed. 

In terms of the biopsy results, there are 3 separate results that we are waiting on and we only have one, which is the least detailed. For the one that we have, the hematopathologist looked at the biopsy under the microscope and is able to see that the blasts are gone, which is an improvement from last month's biopsy. They are still able to see the abnormal cells, but it is the next report/result/analysis that will tell us at what % and the third report will be the one that tells us the % of donor cells remaining. Hopefully we will have the remaining 2 results by Wednesday and a chance to chat with Eric's doctor about next steps prior to his next appointment on Friday. 

In the meantime, Eric is 1.5 weeks off the chemo, loaded up on blood and platelets and feeling much better - less nauseous, etc. He only went to school one day last week, but it was a whole day! Here's hoping he makes it a few more days next week 🤞

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Weekly Check Up - Friday, March 7 (sort of)

"Sort of" because Eric's follow up appointment was scheduled for Friday, but we ended up going in unplanned on Thursday instea...