Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Wednesday Check Up

Eric had a check up at clinic today. His numbers are holding relatively steady from last week. The dr says this is good news; we know from the numbers that he isn't getting worse. Though, he did need another platelet transfusion today, which made for another long day. The pet therapy dogs did a costume parade this afternoon which was adorable. Unfortunately, Eric missed it because he was bust having a Benadryl induced nap. 

He's been struggling with quite a bit of nausea this past week. We're doing our best to control it, but it sucks! He did go to school for a couple hours on Monday and Tuesday, but just isn't well enough to make whole days. 

Exciting news: the BCCHF Pet Therapy calendar is going to be released on Friday, November 1. It is available at the hospital Gift Shop for $25 plus tax ($28 total). Eric and Edward the Bunny are the stars for the month of April, but the whole calendar is truly spectacular. If you would like a copy, but aren't near the hospital, I would be happy to pick one up for you, just let me know. 

Eric is super excited for Halloween tomorrow!!!

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Weekly Check Up - Friday, March 7 (sort of)

"Sort of" because Eric's follow up appointment was scheduled for Friday, but we ended up going in unplanned on Thursday instea...