Friday, June 7, 2024

Day 4 of 7

Yesterday was Day 4 of 7 of the IV treatment (and Day 4/28 of the oral treatment.) Yay! More than halfway! Eric is doing quite well. He's been playing outside in the afternoons and feeling pretty good. He was a little nauseous last night around dinnertime. I gave him an anti-nauseant and within 30 min he was feeling better and building LEGO. We are both tired, Eric from the treatment and me from the driving. Aside from Monday which took longer just because it was the first day, the appointments have been nice and quick at only an hour, but that is about 3 hours round trip. 

We did get results of Eric's bone marrow biopsy and its still great news - all donor DNA and no evidence of the bad cells. Woohoo! 

Eric also had an ECG on Monday and the abnormality that had appeared in his heart rhythm is gone. There are some meds known to cause this so the Dr wanted to recheck now that Eric has been off the meds for awhile to make sure it had returned to normal. 

Everything is looking good! 🤞

Kristina, the outpatient Child Life Specialist has been spoiling Eric with LEGO all week. 

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