Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Check Up at Clinic Today

Eric had his check up at clinic today to check his blood counts after they tanked last week. The good news, his platelet count is up, not normal, but up, which shows that his body is making fresh platelets. The bad news is that his ANC is now in the toilet. It is only 0.2 and those are his germ fighting white cells. While my brain is shouting relapse (re-relapse?) since he hasn't had this response to this treatment in the past. However, our Nurse Practitioner has assured me this is a normal response to the chemo and likely just a result of the repeated rounds. 

We're planning a couple nights camping next week to enjoy some water slides and I thought this might throw a wrench into the plans. So far, just a small wrench. The team wants him to come back again next week for a count check, before we go camping, so we've had to push our trip back one day. The real wrench would be if this significantly impaired immune system resulted in a fever, in which case, with counts this low Eric would end up in hospital and we'd have to cancel. So fingers crossed 🤞

In other very random, but good, news...the pet therapy program at the hospital is creating a calendar for next year with the pet therapy pets alongside past and present patients. Eric LOVES all animals and the pet therapy program went a long way to brighten his time in hospital. Last week when we saw the poster looking for patients to participate, Eric immediately told me to apply. We heard this week that he had been selected and he had a costume fitting today. He is going to be The Mad Hatter with Edward the bunny. Stay tuned for photos in the (distant) future. 

Tomorrow is the last day of school! Hopefully I will have loads of fun summer adventures to share 🤞

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Weekly Check Up - Friday, March 7 (sort of)

"Sort of" because Eric's follow up appointment was scheduled for Friday, but we ended up going in unplanned on Thursday instea...