Friday, April 5, 2024

Day 28 of 28

Today is the last day of this round of treatment! Woohoo! And Eric is feeling great! Tuesday was back to school after Spring Break and Eric wanted to walk to school for the first time in months. He made it through the whole day and also his new after school art class where he made a Pentapus (an Octopus with 5 tentacles instead of 8.) He also walked to school and made it through the whole day Wednesday and Thursday. He didn't go to school today (Friday) because he had his weekly check up with his team at Children's Hospital. His bloodwork today was great. In fact, his hemoglobin is higher than mine! His neutrophils (germ fighting white blood cells) have dropped a little but that is to be expected after 28 days of chemo. Next Friday he will have a bone marrow biopsy which will inform next steps. 

We had a lovely Easter weekend to end Spring Break. Granny and Uncle Dave came for Good Friday dinner (we cooked our ham early.) Grandma was here for the week, so actually she cooked for Easter, and all week! Eric was very excited for the Easter Bunny to come and on Saturday night he asked Grandma "Are you in contact with the Easter Bunny?" Sunday morning the kids hunted Easter eggs and then Eric and I went to the Canucks matinee game. It was Eric's first game and he really enjoyed it. He loved the snacks and dancing to try and get on the JumboTron, but his favourite part was definitely the skytrain. 

Tonight we're going to a Sibling Appreciation Event organized by the Parent/Patient Advocate at the hospital and funded by Balding for Dollars. It's at a local gymnastics space so the kids get to play and have pizza and we'll recognize Joel for being strong and carrying on through all this, as well as for being an amazing big brother. 

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Two Year Anniversary

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