Monday, February 19, 2024

Hospital Day 6

We're still here...

Today is the third day that Eric has been feeling quite well and I'd say he's been completely back to himself the last two days. His tummy is even better than it was in the week before we came in. Unfortunately, in a continuation of the rollercoaster theme, his blood pressure spiked Friday night and they had to give him a fast acting blood pressure med. That brought his BP down all night, but the next morning it was back up, so he got another dose. That brought his BP down all day and night, but this morning, it was back up again so he got a third dose, and then at his 4pm vitals check, it was back up again so he got a fourth dose. They are very careful with Eric and high blood pressure because shortly after his new cells engrafted following his transplant in Jan 2023, he got Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) - a portion of his brain became swollen and he had numerous subclinical seizures affecting his eyesight and lucidity - caused by high blood pressure. The doctors believe his current high blood pressure is being caused by the stress doses of hydrocortisone he is receiving, because of the fever and vomiting, due to the adrenal insufficiency. However, they are also very careful not to lower the stress dose too much because it turns out he's very sensitive to that as well and it causes fever and vomiting. So we're a bit stuck. Our doctor did warn us from the beginning that he'd be on meds to treat the side effects of other meds. Its exhausting. 

Also, since Eric is feeling well, but cooped up in his room, he's crazy!!! Yesterday at bedtime he was so hyper (and disagreeable!) Luckily we did have a visit from Asher and Kate yesterday. The boys watched YouTube, played a game and ran around on the 5th floor patio while Kate and I chatted. If he hadn't had that visit yesterday, bedtime might have been even worse! 🤯 Asher also brought Eric a MEGA (like LEGO) Pokémon set which entertained Eric for 4 very peaceful hours today. Thank you Asher and Kate!

I am hopeful we'll get to go home tomorrow, but I've been saying that for the last 3 days! 

Pics of Eric and Asher playing on the patio (Eric was making funny faces), and the completed Dragonite Pokémon.


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Two Year Anniversary

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