Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Groundhog Day (the movie)

We're in the hospital AGAIN!!!

Today was supposed to be Eric's weekly check up in clinic as well as an appointment at Respirology. However, last night just before bedtime, he was very hot and very cold at the same time so I checked his temp and sure enough, he had a fever. After making arrangements for Joel (Thank you Jolie!) because Chuck was at work, I threw some things into a bag and drove Eric to BC Children's Hospital. The ER was packed and I am so glad that the oncologist calls ahead for us and we get shown straight into a room in the ER. Sometimes it pays to be immune compromised??? The ER doc and Oncologist showed up to chat with us at the same time. They agreed to do blood work and start fluids and IV antibiotics while waiting for the results of the bloodwork. Unfortunately, the first nurse missed the correct location when attempting to access Eric's port. Luckily, a nurse who used to work on the Oncology floor and now works in the ER was on shift last night and she was able to access it no problem. Because when you have a fever, a headache, and you are vomiting, the last thing you need is a bunch of pokes. We definitely don't take for granted the skills of the nurses on T8 (the oncology floor) who can probably access ports in their sleep! (Not that the nurses in the ER aren't skilled; they can probably do peripheral IVs in their sleep.) 

Just before 1am Eric was admitted upstairs, but unfortunately, T8 is FULL so we're on T7. Since I am not a big fan of the hospital in general, I am not sure I realized what a comfort T8 is. It really is nice knowing the staff and routines and where to find the coffee and warm blankets! 

Eric still has a fever and his tummy is quite upset, but no vomit so far today *fingers crossed* We don't know the cause of the fever yet, but blood cultures were taken last night and they're going to do a nasal pharyngeal (brain tickler) swab later today, so that will be fun, but maybe we'll get some answers. Unfortunately, we'll also get isolation. 

I took an intermission from writing for Eric to move upstairs - yay! Just walking down the hallway and saying hi to all the staff I know (and saw last week...) is such a relief. 

Eric has had some Tylenol for his fever and is feeling a bit better for the moment; he's chilling in bed and watching Netflix. The fluids, antibiotics and antiemetics continue around the clock. Additionally, his platelets are down to 18, so he'll have a platelet transfusion this afternoon. "Normal" platelet counts are upwards of 200, but as an inpatient, as long as he isn't actively bleeding, they'll let the platelet count drift down to 10 (!!!) but you need minimum 50 for surgery. 

Fingers crossed he can kick the fever and get some rest and be feeling more like himself soon! Between hospital visits, he did make it for a part day of his school field trip to Grouse Mountain and really enjoyed the skyride. Pic below. 

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Two Year Anniversary

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