Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Bone Marrow Biopsy Today

Eric and I were at the Oncology Clinic today for his follow up Bone Marrow Biopsy. He's done so many of these that they are quite routine at this point. The worst part (for both of us) is that he has to fast for the sedation. He was a bit hangry this morning, but mostly did very well. The only difference today was that he's always had them on his right hip and today the Doctor performing the procedure said they were going to do the left hip because he's had "quite a few" all on the right side. I was curious how many he had actually had so I looked through my notes since October 2022 and discovered he has had TEN! Also, since I have both my notebooks here, we're up to a total of 19 blood transfusions, 18 platelet transfusions and 144 nights in hospital, all since October 2022. 

We're back at Clinic next Wednesday for Eric's regular check up and also have an appointment at the Respirology Clinic to follow up on Eric's chronic cough and lung function. 

Now the hard part for the parents...waiting for the results of the biopsy. In the meantime, Eric got the go ahead to go back to school tomorrow. His white blood cell counts are still low, but starting to recover and he's been feeling really well this past week. 

Eric did get to go ice skating with his class yesterday and he had so much fun! He skated all around the rink, and he and a friend took turns pushing each other on one of the chairs. 

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Two Year Anniversary

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