Sunday, January 28, 2024

Day 6/7 in Hospital...


Eric is doing much better - thank heaven; that was not fun! We also managed to get ourselves out of isolation, so we've been out hunting Pokemon yesterday afternoon and this morning. Grandma helped yesterday, and despite a lot of confidence, she didn't actually find any!  We're down to only one left to find, but (naughty) Natu is eluding us!

It is Smoothie Sunday on the 8th Floor and Eric and I are both enjoying our smoothies (and fresh veggies and hummus for me) courtesy of West Coast Kids Cancer Foundation. Thank you WCK! 

Also, and I can't believe I almost missed this one, huge milestone over here! Eric has learned to swallow pills! He was super impressive, learning in less than 24 hours. I see both of our lives getting a bit easier - and less disgusting! 

It seems as though we are on track to go home tomorrow. All those terrible symptoms have resolved, leaving Eric with just a bit of nausea, which is unpleasant but can be managed at home. Cross your fingers & toes! 

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Two Year Anniversary

Two years ago today, Eric was admitted to hospital for the first time. We had an indication from his GP based on his blood work that he had ...