Thursday, January 11, 2024

Biopsy Rescheduled + Pokémon

Eric's biopsy was rescheduled from Wednesday to tomorrow - Friday. Apparently the procedures list was quite long on Wednesday and since he has to fast, it seemed like a good plan to reschedule when we were asked. 

Did you know that Eric loves Pokémon? 🤣 Everyone who knows him knows that he is absolutely obsessed and his knowledge is incredibly in-depth and quite shocking. He has dreams of being a successful YouTuber (PokéTuber) in the near future. In the meantime, he has started a YouTube channel and would love for everyone to check it out - and like and subscribe! 

PokeRoom - YouTube

The kids were thrilled to play in the snow this afternoon, but I didn't take any pictures, so instead you get a pic of our dog, Millie, just because she's cute. 

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Weekly Check Up - Friday, March 7 (sort of)

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