Sunday, December 10, 2023

Florida Days 1, 2 & 3

The days are so long and busy, that I haven't even had time to think, let alone write about them! 

Day 1 Universal Studios
I had read that the Hogwarts Express was going to be closed for a week starting Dec 9, so we had to go to Universal Studios our first day here (8th) so that we could ride the Hogwart's Express! Unfortunately my determination to get to Harry Potter World made for a bit of a chaotic morning since it is at the back of the park, and spans both the Universal Park and the Island of Adventure Park. We did eventually manage to get ourselves sorted and saw Diagon Alley where Joel and I got ice cream at Florian Fortiscue's and the kids got wands at Ollivander's, checked out Knockturn Alley and Eric did a spell there, we saw the fire breathing dragon that escaped from Gringott's (though didn't do the ride). We saw Kreacher peaking out of a window at #12 Grimmauld Place, went through the brick wall between platforms 9&10 at Kings Cross and rode the Hogwart's Express. Chuck and Eric went on Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure (twice!) while Joel and I got some butter beer. 

We did eventually leave Harry Potter World and went to the Land of the Simpsons where the kids went on Kang & Kodo's Twirl n' Hurl (Simpsons), and we all went on a simulated Simpsons Ride (some of us with our eyes closed). We had a GIANT pink Simpsons donut that we split 4 ways. 

We also all went on the Fast & Furious simulated ride (eyes open this time), and we all went on Jimmy Fallon's Race through New York (eyes closed again). We did the new Villain-Con Minion Blast; I didn't really get the point, but my 3 gamers seemed to enjoy it. Back over at the Island of Adventure Park and nearing the end of what was a much longer day than I had anticipated, Eric decided he was feeling very brave and he took his Dad on the Jurassic World VelociCoaster. He came off it smiling and said he'd do it again, but not anytime soon! Daddy came off it looking a little green. 

The kids had a quick cat nap in the car on the way back to the Villa and headed straight for the pool, without even stopping for dinner. We finally dragged them out of the pool about 9pm, and grabbed a hotdog from the poolside snack bar.

Day 2 Aquatica 
We get specific passes included with our trip, but there are others that we can request based on availability. Eric was desperate to go to "A Big American Water Park" so we traded our Sea World pass for an Aquatica pass. Aquatica is actually owned by Sea World and is next door. We chose to go Saturday because it was the nicest weather day. Someone at the resort here said it wouldn't be too busy because it was too cold for Floridians (it was high 20s Celsius). Knowing that chairs and shade are at a premium at our (small Canadian) water parks, I booked a cabana morning of, but turns out I didn't need to. There were tonnes and tonnes of chairs and HUGE umbrellas for shade. However, the cabana did come with 10 bottles of water, a locker in the cabana and towels (which for people from out of town is super handy!) The entire family had a blast. Chuck and the kids went on every single open slide in the park. I only opted out of one; a free fall where you basically get into a teeny see through claustrophobic elevator and then the floor drops out from underneath you. And I only had to close my eyes on 3 of the other slides 🤣 We stayed at that park until closing and stopped at Walmart on the way home - yes, in our bathing suits. We wanted to get some Disney swag at off-park prices and of course we needed the giant milk jug shaped box of goldfish crackers. After dinner, the kids wanted to check out Amberville where we are staying (Give Kids the World Village aka GKTV or the Village). There is an arcade, air hockey, pool, lego, a massive model train set and village, mini golf, 3 rides and some remote control boats on a pond. The kids definitely have more energy than me; I'm encouraging them to go to bed so that I can go!!

Day 3 Universal Studios
We really didn't have any plans beyond those first two days which were dependent on the Hogwart's Express and the weather, so we weren't initially sure if we would go to one of the Disney Parks today or back to Universal. In the end Universal won out due to Eric's NEED for Hagrid's motorcycle ride. But first, we had breakfast with Darth Vader, Storm Troopers and R2D2! Characters from both Disney and Universal come to GKTW for meet and greets. 

At Universal Studios, we only did Adventure Island and didn't venture to the Universal Park and we were much more methodical and organized about it; sounds boring, but honestly the park is a circle so it makes for more fun, just also efficient fun! We started in the Superhero area where we saw a few characters (Captain America, Storm), but Eric didn't want his picture with them, and went on the Spider-Man 3D/4D ride which was really cool (and my eyes were open for most of it!) TA
We left Universal Studios a little early, apparently at rush hour unfortunately, to get back to GKTW for Eric's star marking appointment. All the wish kids who stay here get a star and they decorate it or write their name on it and the fairy gives it to the giant to put up in this tall tower to stay forever. It is really magical and we get to go see his star in its forever place tomorrow. Also, it turned out our timing leaving Universal was good because there was a torrential rain storm pretty much as soon as we left. There was even thunder and lightening as we were leaving the star making.  

If you made it this far into my exhausted vacation brain dump - congratulations :) 

It has been a whirlwind few days and also absolutely amazing. We've got our 3 days at Disney up next! 

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