Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Last Few Days

We've been busy living life as normally as we can. Eric and Joel spent all day Saturday playing with their friends across the street - video games, rock band, biking and scooting. Unfortunately, the kids decided they would go halfway up the hill and come flying down and around the corner on their scooters and - surprise, surprise - Eric bailed HARD! I'm pretty sure the whole neighbourhood heard his screaming. Luckily he just banged up his knees pretty bad and is otherwise fine. I love that he can play like a regular 8 year old, but the panic caused by a simple fall is unbelievable - not just the normal, has he broken something, but has he banged/damaged his port, does he have enough platelets to stop the bleeding, etc, etc. 

Eric's energy level has improved a bit as well and he was able to make it through the whole school day on Monday and Tuesday and then also play on the playground after school. (Though he's a bit cranky at home in the evenings!)

Eric had his weekly check up at the Oncology Clinic yesterday and also had a check in with Respirology. Since we're reducing the immune suppressants that were being used to treat the GVHD in his lungs, in order to stimulate his immune system to kick out the bad cells, they want to make sure we're not losing ground on the GVHD. We don't have the results of those tests yet, so fingers crossed! Eric's check up at the Clinic was fairly uneventful; his hemoglobin and platelets have both fallen a bit more, but still not enough to require a transfusion and his neutrophils (germ fighting white blood cells) are holding steady, though low, so we are always watchful for fevers. 

Eric's bone marrow biopsy was originally scheduled for next Tuesday, Nov 28, but the dr has moved it to  Monday, Nov 27. He wants more of a buffer in case he decides Eric should have another round of treatment before our TRIP TO DISNEY WORLD!!! 

Eric was granted a Wish from the Make-A-Wish Foundation and he chose to go to Disney World, which actually includes staying at Give Kids the World, 3 days at Disney, 2 at Universal and 1 at Sea World. We've been looking forward to this trip for a couple of months, but with the change in his condition, I wasn't sure we would be able to go. As of right now, we can go, though things could always change before our departure date. We leave in exactly 14 days on December 7 and after sticking my head in the sand for a couple weeks, I am completely unprepared! Speaking of, does anyone local have a couple pieces of luggage we can borrow? We have one GIANT suitcase, one medium and 2 carryon, but I think medium is probably the best choice for this trip. THE COUNTDOWN IS ON!!!

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