Thursday, November 2, 2023

Inpatient Again

Eric was admitted to hospital yesterday afternoon after getting to participate in pajama and movie day at school - and he's been waiting since Labour Day to wear his Pikachu onesie to school so that was a big deal! 

Being back here feels like putting on an old shoe. It's been awhile, but it is all so familiar. We certainly don't want to be here, but since we have to be, we're so lucky to have such amazing people taking care of us. 

Eric had a big win yesterday; they did bloodwork to check his platelets because they have to be over 50 to have surgery, so if they were near or below 50, he'd have to have an infusion of platelets. Eric is allergic to platelets. They know now that they have to give him pre-meds and "wash" the platelets so that he doesn't have a reaction. However, after having had a couple of very unpleasant reactions in the past, he does not like getting platelets. So the win: the blood test came back showing his platelets are still over 100!!! 

Unfortunately no wins this morning; his surgery is scheduled for 12:45pm (and could get pushed by someone more emergent) and he has to fast. The poor kid is starving so we're trying to keep him busy and distracted this morning! He is currently building Lego with his favourite Child Life Specialist and I snuck down to Starbucks to get some breakfast. Shhhh don't tell Eric! But we really can't have us both hangry, can we?!?!

Thanks to some lovely friends for the Pokemon cards; he was super excited to tear into those! 

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Weekly Check Up - Friday, March 7 (sort of)

"Sort of" because Eric's follow up appointment was scheduled for Friday, but we ended up going in unplanned on Thursday instea...