Saturday, November 4, 2023

Day 2 & 3 of 7

Today, Saturday, is Day 3 of 7 days of treatment. Daddy (Chuck) came this morning and Mama (Jacqueline) got to go home to see Joel and Millie and sleep in my own bed!

Eric is holding up well to the treatment and starting to feel a little less sore from his surgery Thursday afternoon. He started on his fourth LEGO set today - and they're not small sets! - and his Auntie Jenny came for a visit. Yesterday he spent most of the day building LEGO (I read a book and fetched milk and food at regular intervals) and in the evening we had a visit from our friends Ian and Warren to trade Pokémon cards (that's my "bed" they are playing on). Eric was super tired last night after the visit and slept 11 hours straight without even waking up for vitals checks at midnight and 4am. 

Tomorrow is Day 4, the halfway mark, and most of the day will be spent with Daddy; Mama returning in the late afternoon. 

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