"Sort of" because Eric's follow up appointment was scheduled for Friday, but we ended up going in unplanned on Thursday instead. Eric's nose was bleeding Thursday morning basically from when he woke up. It wasn't a lot, but it wouldn't stop. At 9am, after 2 hours of on and off bleeding, I called his Nurse Clinician and she said to come in. In accordance with Murphy's Law, his nose stopped bleeding as soon as we got in the car!
Perhaps since the visit wasn't planned, I was a little thrown off and we forgot to put Emla on his port site, so we decided to stop at a Shoppers on the way and purchase an Emla patch, rather than waiting at the hospital for an extra hour for his chest to numb. Between the stop on the way, lots of traffic, and me still being in my pjs when I called, we didn't get in until about 10:30am. However, when we got to the hospital they were ready for us! We saw our nurse immediately and she quickly accessed Eric's port. Also when you come in because you're bleeding, they order platelets while you are driving in, so they are ready when you arrive! Usually they would wait for the results of the bloodwork to see if he needed platelets. All in all, despite it being an unplanned visit, it was actually super quick and easy. It was definitely faster than if we had gone for the regularly scheduled appointment Friday where we were supposed to go to the blood lab first.
Nose bleed aside, Eric isn't feeling too bad this week. He doesn't feel great in the mornings because he hasn't had anti-nauseants overnight and also has to take a bunch of meds so he finds that a bit hard on his tummy. By afternoon, he perks up a bit, but he has been really tired, spending most of his time chilling on the couch. He really isn't eating much - some fruit and milk mostly - and has lost a kg, but seems to rebound once he finishes the treatment cycle. He didn't make it in to school at all this week, beyond about 10 minutes for class photos. Next week is the last week before Spring Break and I am hopeful he'll be able to make it in a little bit next week. We don't have any plans for Spring Break as we continue to just roll with whatever is thrown our way, but hopefully we'll have the opportunity to tackle some simple, fun adventures over the break in between appointments.
This past week, Joel and Eric were sitting on the coffee table playing video games. Eric managed to fall off the table and bang his chest on it (clearly my kid!) Luckily he didn't hit his port side, but he's got quite the spectacular bruise. His whole nipple is purple and he has a bruised line extending out both sides. He came upstairs after falling and said: I have a purple nurple!
Here's Eric about 6 months old, playing under that same coffee table 💕
Today is day 10 of the cycle, so 5 days post IV chemo and 10 of 28 days into the oral therapy. About a week after the IV chemo is when we see the peak of the effects on his blood counts. We have appointments scheduled for Tuesday and Friday next week to check in at clinic.