Thursday, August 22, 2024

Ugh, Covid

I mentioned at the end of my last post that Joel had tested positive for Covid. We isolated him in the basement, but it didn't take long for the rest of us to get it too. Joel wasn't very sick; he just had a stuffy nose for a day or two and otherwise felt fine. I was still nervous about Eric catching it because the rest of us are all up to date on our vaccines. Eric was before his transplant, but the transplant basically erases all of those previous vaccines and then he wasn't able to be vaccinated since. However, he also sailed through it, thank heaven! He had a sore throat for about a half day and it wasn't even a very bad sore throat because he didn't complain much. I think he was probably tired for a couple days too. He wouldn't nap of course, but was pretty cranky at bedtime for a couple nights. 

As a result of the Covid, we weren't able to spend a week at the lake with our friends' or visit other friends' at their campground or make it to Theatre Under the Stars, all of which we had planned. However, it was nice to slow down for a bit and we did make it to the Sunshine Coast to visit Granny once we were feeling better. Luckily we were able to reschedule almost all our other plans for later this month, so the last week and a half before back to school is going to be BUSY! 

Yesterday, Eric had a check up at the hospital and his counts are still climbing, thank heaven, even having started the next round of oral chemo and fighting covid. He looks like he'll be in a good place heading back into the classroom, though he does still have 2 weeks left in this round of treatment, so we'll see how that goes🤞

Playing at low tide in Halfmoon Bay

Turning over rocks and playing with the crabs

Eric's first Shiner off the dock at Halfmoon. He named it Little Tom. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Camp Goodtimes & Clinic Update

The boys spent a week at Camp Goodtimes and had such a great time! The theme was Mario Brothers and I heard a lot about Bowser. In addition to Mario activities, they had backwards lunch, pj breakfast, boardgames, watermania, swimming, water trampoline, canoeing, kayaking, low ropes, high ropes, and camp "fires" where they learned lots of songs and chants. Eric learned to make friendship bracelets, which inspired me to relearn (and order thread from amazon). 

This week the kids have a Code Ninjas camp, Modding with Minecraft, for a couple hours in the afternoon and otherwise we're planning for a pretty chill week. 

Eric had a check up at clinic yesterday. His counts are recovered enough (ANC is 1.4) to start another round of oral chemo. So he started that yesterday and he'll finish September 3. 

Unfortunately, Joel woke up this morning not feeling well. We know covid is going around, so we thought it would be prudent to test him. As far as we know Joel hasn't been in contact with anyone who has covid, but the test was positive - ahh! So that has quickly changed our plans... no more Minecraft camp this week for either kid and no longer heading out of town on Sunday. Joel is isolated in his room and we're just hoping no one else, especially Eric, gets it. 

Two Year Anniversary

Two years ago today, Eric was admitted to hospital for the first time. We had an indication from his GP based on his blood work that he had ...