Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!

What a day! Eric entered his Pikachu pumpkin in the pumpkin carving contest at school and I got to watch the school costume parade. 

Joel and Eric had a blast traipsing around the neighbourhood with their friends collecting ALL THE CANDY! For the first year ever, I wasn't able to get their photo as they headed out the door. I only have the photos from when they tried on their costumes a week or so ago. 

Tomorrow both kids have pajama day at school - I think that is supposed to be easy, but it meant laundry! - and Eric's school also gets a movie for beating their Terry Fox Run fundraising goal. Go Baker Drive!!! Eric is very happy that he gets to wear his Pikachu onesie and watch a movie at school. After school we'll head into the hospital to be admitted about 4pm. Thursday morning he is scheduled for surgery to have the port inserted and will start the 5 Aza treatment on Thursday as well. 

Thank you to everyone for all your well wishes, thoughts and prayers! 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Here We Go Again

Hello Friends & Family, 

I hate having to share this news but I did think a blog was an easier way to share relevant information with all of our loved ones at once. 

On October 20, Eric had a routine bone marrow biopsy and on October 25 his doctor called us to let us know they had found abnormal cells. These are the same dysplastic cells that Eric had the first time around and they tell us the MDS is back. 

He will have surgery this week (probably Wednesday) to have a port inserted and then will start a 7 day course of Azacitidine (5 Aza). The idea is that the 5 Aza will stimulate his donor cells to get busy getting rid of the bad cells. He has chosen to be inpatient for this. He had the choice to be outpatient but doesn’t want to deal with the drive. Since he is still quite well, I’m hoping we’ll get to have lots of adventures around Vancouver to keep us entertained that week. 

In the meantime, we’re trying to maintain some sense of normal around here. Eric will go to school Monday and Tuesday and he is absolutely over the moon excited for Halloween on Tuesday. After Eric complained that, first, I hadn’t taken our Halloween decorations out, and second, our decorations suck anyhow, thanks to some very special friends and neighbours, our house is now decorated to hell and back again.

Weekly Check Up - Friday, March 7 (sort of)

"Sort of" because Eric's follow up appointment was scheduled for Friday, but we ended up going in unplanned on Thursday instea...